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What is the Fair Wear Foundation certificate?
In addition to environmentally friendly, responsible production with top-quality materials, Gambea is also 100% committed to production that respects the human and labour rights of all the people involved in our production chain.
The standard awarded by the Fair Wear Foundation is based precisely on ensuring that the eight core labour standards derived from the ILO conventions and the UN Declaration on Human Rights have been respected. This means that the Fair Wear Foundation Code of Labour Practices is based on internationally recognised standards established through tripartite negotiations. All garments bearing the Fair Wear Foundation label will have been produced in full respect of these rights.

What is the content of the Fair Wear Foundation labour standards?
The Fair Wear Foundation standard ensures the highest respect for human and labour rights throughout the production chain. Therefore, we would like to inform you that whenever you buy a garment stamped with the Fair Wear Foundation label, you are guaranteed the following:
1. Free employment:
It is guaranteed that every person hired is hired in full use of their free will, prohibiting the use of slave labour, forced labour, or in areas of deprivation of liberty.
2. Non-discrimination:
Recruitment, remuneration policy, employee training, or even the employment relationship termination must be entirely respectful of equality and non-discrimination. This means that all internationally recognised labour rights must be guaranteed over and above any racial, sexual, ethical, religious, political, or disability considerations, among others.
3. No to child labour:
Child employment is strictly prohibited under international labour standards. This guarantee aims to abolish all types of child labour that use children in any part of the production chain.
4. Right of association and collective bargaining:
It is intended to guarantee the fundamental rights of association and collective bargaining so that workers in any production site can associate, create their trade unions, and access collective bargaining forms with relevant actors in the production chain. It is also guaranteed that workers’ representatives, where they exist, are not subject to any form of repression or discrimination in exercising their trade union functions.
5. Right to a living wage:
This guarantee aims to grant all workers the right to a living wage, which allows for decent living conditions following the living standards of the production countries.
6. Right to decent working hours:
International labour standards fight against abusive working hours in which employees invest endless hours in the production chain. The aim is, therefore to guarantee the right to a decent working day, which allows for the reconciliation of work and family life, as well as the right to rest and legally required holidays. In addition, if workers work excessive hours, their right to rest must be guaranteed with extra holiday time.
7. Right to safe and healthy working conditions:
Companies must ensure that their employees perform their duties safely, so they may not have dangerous, excessively noisy, or scorching working environments. Companies must also guarantee minimum health conditions for their employees so that they do not work – without due precautions – with dangerous products or substances that are harmful or detrimental to people’s health.
8. The right to a contractual employment relationship:
Employees must have a binding employment contract subject to the labour laws of each jurisdiction that contains all of the rights and guarantees set out above. The employee has the right to make social security contributions in each jurisdiction, and young employees’ training and education rights must be respected.
How do I benefit from Gambea having the Fair Wear Foundation label?
At Gambea, we are concerned that all workers’ human and international labour rights are respected.
That is why we want the people involved in the production of our products to be better cared for than the staff of a Premier League team: it is important to us that child labour is not used, that living wages are paid and that fundamental human rights such as the prohibition of slavery or the end of racial discrimination are guaranteed.
Therefore, with this certificate, we want to assure you that Gambea is a brand that is 100% committed to workers’ rights.